The Power Of An Ella Baché Therapist

An Ella Baché Therapist is a source of expert skin knowledge. She sees it as her duty to share this knowledge with every client through the process of an expert Skin Diagnosis to help them achieve their best skin. We chat to three Ella Baché Therapists to find out what drives their passion for improving their clients skin health.

An Ella Baché Therapist is a source of expert skin knowledge. She sees it as her duty to share this knowledge with every client through the process of an expert Skin Diagnosis to help them achieve their best skin. We chat to three Ella Baché Therapists to find out what drives their passion for improving their clients skin health.

Francesca from Ella Baché Chatswood

“My favourite part of being a Beauty Therapist,” she says, “is when I have the opportunity to help clients who have come to me because they are suffering from a skin concern.  

I love working with them to create an individualised skincare solution, and I love watching their skin improve visit after visit.

Because of the fantastic products we have and the amazing treatments we offer, we can honestly improve how clients feel about themselves both inside and out.”

Alicia from Ella Baché in Dee Why

“Everyone who comes into the salon has a question or concern regarding their skin, and I try to help them work out a solution that solves their concern and complements their lifestyle, budget and needs at that particular moment.

Following up and discussing how happy they are when family, friends and colleagues notice a difference makes the job worthwhile.”

Gillian from Ella Baché Springwood

“The thing I love about being a Beauty Therapist is making a difference to someone's day. Even a small treatment like a brow tidy can make someone feel so much better. I had my first facial in an Ella Baché salon that my Mum took me to at about 15. I loved the smell of the products, the results on my skin and the way the whole experience made me feel. The memory is still clear in my mind”.

If you are passionate about skincare and beauty, don’t wait to start your career! To find out more about the studying Beauty Therapy and how to apply, contact our Course and Career Adviser.

So what are you waiting for? Kick off your new career by enrolling!

Accreditation: Nationally Accredited Course
Funding: VET Student Loan Approved
Days remaining till next enrolment:
Next Intake:
13 May 2024